In Sound We Trust
June 2016, 4bit Gallery, OT301, Amsterdam.
"We bend our knees softly
and the sound comes and touches our backs.
It penetrates slowly our skins
and enters smoothly in our spines.
It fills in our vertebrae.
It starts swimming in our bones.
Out arms start moving fast,
cutting the thick moist air.
Our feet are diluting slowly
on the vibrating membranes.
We open our mouths,
for our tongues to taste the music.
Our bodies are open.
In Sound We Trust."
In Sound We Trust is a research project/performance developed by Electra Kouloumpi, Joana Borges and Petra Vossenberg on the physical and choreographic aspects of sound making, or else as they call it embodied musicality.
Joana Borges, Electra Kouloumpi and Petra Vossenberg dance and create the soundtrack for their dancing at the same time.
Sound and movement are weaving together the same field.
They use objects, bodies, voices, floors, walls, ceilings, the air to make dance and soundscapes.
Joana Borges, Electra Kouloumpi, Petra Vossenberg: Dance & sounds
Photo credit: Theo van Loon
Photo credit: Jasmin Peco
Photo credit: Theo van Loon